The Parenting Cookbook

The Perfect Recipe for Raising Children.

Parenting/Opiate Abuse

This section explains how poor parenting is linked to our opiate problem. A must read to understand the opiate abuser's parenting experience.


The founder of this web site has used the enclosed parenting instruction methods in his private practice with excellent results. The methods presented are those developed by Rudolf Dreikurs, M.D. and discussed in his famous book titled, A Parents' Guide To Child Discipline, have been transformed into a pictorial presentation. The original text can be found on and purchased for further reference.

Our title is a bit misleading because it has nothing to do with food. It is a recipe for parents who wish to find the essential ingredients one may use in raising responsible, honest and reliable children. It is the intention of this presentation to provide parents with important ways in which to better understand their children. The methods are derived from the theories of Alfred Adler. These principles provide a basic framework for the concepts and techniques contained in the following materials.


We have composed a large set of illustrations to identify behavioral issues that frequently are encountered in the parenting experience. Each of the issues is linked to a pictorial presentation of the problem and offers effective interventions. Our hope is to visually display ways with which a parent can easily understand how to effectively deal with those problems.


Where's the fun? From time to time we will offer free downloads you can share and discuss with your child. Of course, this includes material with "teachable" situations. We are currently offering the book "The Tale of the Foolish Boy", available in full digital format at no charge. The free download is a children's story that will teach your child better decision making and will provide you with an entertaining and educational interaction with your child. It is best suited for children from age 4 to 8.


Dr. George Serednesky is a licensed psychologist practicing in the state of Ohio. He has taught these methods to hundreds of parents over the years and has experienced great satisfaction with the results of his efforts. He is the director of the Child & Adult Guidance Center located in Columbus, Ohio. The doctor believes that the information presented will serve to help parents understand their children better and thus provide educational parenting recipes. This site is a work in progress and will be updated as the content is acquired from our artistic staff.