The Parenting Cookbook

Family Responsibilities

Family Responsibilities

In order to achieve better organization and communication among family members, this list of responsibilities has been provided. These chores/tasks should be presented during family council meetings. Please print out this list and assign each family member his/her given task. (Download PDF to Print Here).


  1. Sweep: Porch, Sidewalk, Patio
  2. Clear Snow
  3. Bring in newspaper
  4. Take out Garbage


  1. Dust: furniture, bookshelves, piano, stereo, tv
  2. Vacuum: carpets, rugs, floors
  3. Empty: ashtrays, wastebaskets, garbage
  4. Mop: floors
  5. Scrub: sinks, bathtubs, toilets
  6. Wipe: light switches, counter tops


  1. Shop and put away groceries
  2. Prepare and cook meals
  3. Table: set, clear, wipe
  4. Dishes and utensils: scrape, rinse, wash, dry
  5. Dishwasher: load and empty
  6. Stove: clean
  7. Refrigerator: wash


  1. Collection
  2. Linens - strip beds, put on clean sheets, remove towels from bathroom, replace with clean towels
  3. Clothing - pick up and put in laundry, empty pockets, sort according to color
  4. Wash, dry, iron, fold, hang, sort, deliver to user


  1. Mend, darn, replace buttons, new clothes, household items


  1. Feed: buy, prepare, serve, clean, give fresh water
  2. Sanitation: take outdoors (am and pm), clean litter box or cage
  3. Exercise
  4. Bathe and brush

Care for Others

  1. Transportation: Doctor, dentist, school, special lessons, sports, activities
  2. Siblings: babysitting
  3. Infant- diapers, bottles, attend
  4. Toddler- watch, toilet, read to, clothe
  5. Other relatives
  6. Aged or infirm: accompany, visit, read to, play games with, walk with, assist


  1. Keep in order, put away, clean, repair, store in appropriate place

Financial and clerical

  1. Earn income, provide sustenance, balance budget, pay bills, keep records


  1. Routine: cut the grass, take grass clippings, rake leaves, pull weeds, trim trees and hedges, sweep sidewalks
  2. Specific: shovel snow, replace furnace filters, change light bulbs, make minor repairs, wash windows, paint, wallpaper


  1. Wash, get gas and oil, vacuum inside


  1. Clothes to cleaner or laundry, shoes to be repaired, drugstore, library, shopping other than food, things to be fixed, things to be cleaned

Philosophy of Allowance:

Caregivers should not pay children for doing chores, it only teaches selfishness. All children should get no strings, weekly, fair allowance that varies according to age and needs. (See allowance example above).